Hold the Eggs Breakfast Casserole


1/2 tsp liquid smoke

1 tsp Tamari sauce

1 tsp black pepper

1 Tbsp corn starch

1 Bag Shredded Almond Mozzarella cheese (click here for my favorite non-dairy cheese)

2 1/2 tsp paprika powder (not smoked)

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 1/2 tbsp olive oil

3 Large Sweet Potatoes

1 handful cherry tomatoes

1 bunch of chives

1 bunch of green onions

1 1/2 cups Trader Joes pre-chopped white onions

5 oz. Tempeh

10oz Silken Tofu

1 tbsp BBQ Sauce

1 tsp Kala Namak (optional ingredient)

**If you are looking for an easy way to buy spices. Checkout www.spicesforless.com. This is where I buy all of my spices. So much easier to buy online**


HOW YA DO IT: (preheat oven to 350)

STEP 1: Make the eggs. In a medium bowl, combine the silken tofu, 1/2 tbs olive oil, the starch, the turmeric, the paprika powder and Kala Namak (if you're using it). **kala namak is an egg flavoring seasoning** Stir in 1/3 bag of the almond cheese and green onions. Set aside and refrigerate.

STEP 2: Boil the unpeeled potatoes for about 15-20 minutes or until tender. Peel and cut into cubes. Set aside.

STEP 3: Make the BBQ bacon Tempeh. Cut the Tempeh into cubes. Begin to saute the onions w/olive oil in a pan. Add in the tempeh and brown the edges. Stir in the BBQ sauce, 1 tsp paprika powder, Tamari sauce and liquid smoke. Season with salt + pepper. Cook for 5-7 minutes and set aside in a medium casserole dish.


STEP 4: Using the same pan as you used for the Tempeh, begin to saute the remaining onions w/remaining olive oil. Cook until translucent and then add in the sweet potatoes. Add salt + pepper and 1 tsp paprika. Cook until the edges are brown.

STEP 5: Add the potatoes and onions to the casserole dish with the Tempeh. Add in more almond cheese to the sweet potato and Tempeh mixture. Then pour the tofu egg mixture on top and blend it altogether as evenly as possible. Top with the remaining almond cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

STEP 6: Serve with fresh chives, parsley and cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle a little salt, pepper and paprika to taste!

Delicious, plant-based meals for busy people
Trisha McKean