
My Why

About Me

Hi! I’m Trish. A mom of 2 and lover of all things health and fitness. When I’m not chasing my kids around, I’m typically working out on my own, coaching mamas 1-1, teaching at RISE Glen Ellyn, hanging with friends or scheming my next travel destination with my husband.

Fitness has always been a priority, but it wasn’t until I had my first child that I discovered a giant gap missing in a female’s fitness journey. I found myself needing specific help as my body underwent dramatic changes – pain, healing, emotional turbulence and the desperation to feel “normal” again.

Given my own experience – I decided to become a certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist as well as a certified Pre+Post Natal Group Fitness Specialist. I want to fill this gap and empower women to feel their best throughout pregnancy and into motherhood. Feeling good, accepting physical changes and regaining your strength is possible – I learned this first-hand.


The journey to motherhood can be confusing and oh so challenging. There are so many unknowns – like when and how to return to exercise. I’ve seen women return to their “pre-baby” workouts and injure themselves with lack of proper build back. So many women are left in the dark during such a crucial and vulnerable time, but they don’t have to be.

I see this as a missed opportunity for so many women. Given the right tools and education, women have the opportunity to actually take this moment of supposed weakness and turn it into new opportunity. Opportunity to grow, learn and truly rebuild their body from the ground up —stronger than ever before.

I want to show up for my fellow mama. I want to show you how to feel yourself again. I want to be with you throughout your journey. I want to help you build back strength in the right way, the safe way and the effective way.



Motherhood is stressful no matter how you spin it. It’s especially overwhelming during the pregnancy and postpartum period. For many, mapping out a safe, yet effective exercise routine after baby is daunting. I can eliminate this stressor with a custom plan to get you back to your regularly scheduled fitness routine stronger than ever before!

End goal

It’s simple. To get you back to your fitness routine and to get you feeling yourself in the safest and most effective way possible. I will arm you with a workout routine that works for your hectic schedule, ensure you’re working correctly, and will reserve as a resource regarding your fitness questions and uncertainties.

Whether you are pregnant, just had a baby or are years in and still not feeling yourself - I am here to help YOU regain the confidence and strength you NEED in order to feel the best YOU possibly CAN.

Recent Press



Perinatal Corrective Exercise Specialist - Certified by - Dr. Sarah Duvall - Oct. 2019

Breathe, Posture, Movement - The Postpartum Client Continuing Education by - Jacquelyn Brennan

ACE CEC' - Pre+Post Natal Group Fitness
Certified 2015-Present

ACE Group Fitness Certified

Shred415 Group Fitness Instructor