The best day!
This phase seems like it was FOREVER ago. A little over two years ago to be exact. No baby bump, no newborn, no toddler and a size B (bra cup that is). Jim + Trish...just the two of us. Two years doesn't really seem like that much time, but when you throw a baby into the mix, it makes a BIG difference.
I'm going to tell you a story. A story about how Jim and I a bar...called Social 25.
It was my best friends birthday party. Me, being the awesome friend that I am, I decided I was going to "brown out" (not quite black out) at her birthday party. I was well on my way to that interesting shade of brown when SHIT hit the fan...LITERALLY. Ok, not really, BUT things got a little hairy. The birthday girl (and best friend) was recently out of a relationship. Her "ex" shows up at HER birthday party with another girl and then proceeds to flirt with her at the bar. HOW DARE HIM? I MUST defend my friend. So, that's what I did. Well kind-of. First, I made sure to lock eyes with the "ex" from across the bar. Next, I gave him the stink eye (because that's intimidating). Last but oh not least, I threw him the good old bird and yelled,
"I'm going to cut your balls off".
Young and in love ;)
Yes, that happened. Yikes, I actually said that (insert monkey covering ears + eyes emoji). Little did I know that this was the single most important moment of my life. After the "ex" scoffed and looked around in hopes that this crazy chick was not directing her anger at him, I quickly turned around in hopes to run away. Well, I didn't get very far. Good old Jim McKean was standing right there behind me asking me what I wanted to drink because "I sure looked like I could use one". OMG was he right. I told a guy I was going to cut his balls off two seconds ago! It was quite the pick up line considering he had witnessed all the shit that went down seconds prior. He had seen and heard it ALL. The middle finger...the balls being cut. Why the F was he asking me if I wanted a drink? Was this guy nuts? I clearly was. Anyways, I was very confused and still fired up, so I kindly declined that drink like the sassy b*tch that I was and walked away in the opposite direction. About 5 minutes later, I turn around and there he was again. This guy was relentless! This time he had a Coors Light in hand with my name on it. I couldn't get rid of this kid! Not gonna lie though, I did love an ice cold Coors Light (I was 25 people) so I accepted. At this point, we exchanged a few words, but I honestly can't remember what all was said (again, SHOCKER). I do know, I must have given him my digits because I got a call the next day from a random number. I didn't pick up, but no big deal as he called a SECOND time and then proceeded to leave a VOICEMAIL. Ladies and gentleman, if someone is pursuing you and they leave you a voicemail IT BETTER BE GOOD.
His voicemail said and I quote,
"Hey Trisha, this is Jim from Social 25...blah blah don't seem like the type of girl to give out her real number if you weren't actually interested in going on a date".
Just two tomatoes having a Smirnoff Ice!
Um talk about BALLS. I was a tad put off by his tone, but slightly intrigued. He was right. I am NOT that type of girl! Or am I? What does that even mean? He got me. Not sure if I was actually interested or if I just wanted to know what the hell he meant by this "type of girl" comment. I texted him to meet up at a bar over the weekend, but of course I dodged him last minute because I'm super awkward. I continued this game of texting to meet up and then flaking for what seemed like a month or two. Oops - sorry Jim! Once I finally decided to grow up, he was still there (hanging by a thread). Phew! Our first real hangout was on New Years Day. I actually invited him over to my apt to order food and watch a movie. We ended up staying up all night chatting for what seemed like hours (literally until the sun came up). That's when I realized I had a keeper and the rest is history.
Moments after my water broke and hours before Claire finally arrived. That's a very nervous smile!
Our story is definitely not a fairy-tale one and I think that's telling of our relationship. It's far from perfect. We have our ups and our downs. To be honest, having a child can put a strain on a relationship or marriage. I never understood the saying "marriage is work" until we had a child. I always thought this just meant a couple wasn't really in love. HA! That's not the case at all. Our marriage is not perfect and it never will be, but the effort that we continue to put forth and the love that we share makes it ours. Take a minute and think about your story. Think back to the day you met your significant other and share those memories with one another. Have a few laughs, a Coors Light (or 3) and maybe shed a few tears just reminiscing.